



基本ダイアログクラスは、さまざまなUI要素を使用してウィンドウをレンダリングします。さまざまなオペレーティングシステムでは、これらの要素は少し異なって見える場合がありますが、それでも一貫して動作するはずです。 WindowsのボタンはLinuxのボタンのままです。




// The creator class declares the factory method that must// return an object of a product class. The creator"s subclasses// usually provide the implementation of this method.class Dialog is // The creator may also provide some default implementation // of the factory method. abstract method createButton():Button // Note that, despite its name, the creator"s primary // responsibility isn"t creating products. It usually // contains some core business logic that relies on product // objects returned by the factory method. Subclasses can // indirectly change that business logic by overriding the // factory method and returning a different type of product // from it. method render() is // Call the factory method to create a product object. Button okButton = createButton() // Now use the product. okButton.onClick(closeDialog) okButton.render()// Concrete creators override the factory method to change the// resulting product"s type.class WindowsDialog extends Dialog is method createButton():Button is return new WindowsButton()class WebDialog extends Dialog is method createButton():Button is return new HTMLButton()// The product interface declares the operations that all// concrete products must implement.interface Button is method render() method onClick(f)// Concrete products provide various implementations of the// product interface.class WindowsButton implements Button is method render(a, b) is // Render a button in Windows style. method onClick(f) is // Bind a native OS click event.class HTMLButton implements Button is method render(a, b) is // Return an HTML representation of a button. method onClick(f) is // Bind a web browser click event.class Application is field dialog: Dialog // The application picks a creator"s type depending on the // current configuration or environment settings. method initialize() is config = readApplicationConfigFile() if (config.OS == "Windows") then dialog = new WindowsDialog() else if (config.OS == "Web") then dialog = new WebDialog() else throw new Exception("Error! Unknown operating system.") // The client code works with an instance of a concrete // creator, albeit through its base interface. As long as // the client keeps working with the creator via the base // interface, you can pass it any creator"s subclass. method main() is this.initialize() dialog.render()


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